Benny Li

(86)13242270901 | | Full-Stack Developer

Brisbane, Australia


  • 6+ years of Front-End Developer experience in AI, SaaS, E-learning, E-commerce, and Event industries, including 3 years of Full-Stack expertise.
  • 6+ years in web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,TypeScript,NestJS
  • 6+ years in Agile/Scrum/SPRINT Development Methodologies
  • Exceptional expertise in Front-End libraries and frameworks such as Vue.JS, React.js, React Native,Taro.JS, Lodash
  • Proficient at Data Structure & Algorithm
  • Solid understanding of Object-Oriented Design Patterns
  • Adept at Test-Driven Development with strict code inspection
  • Legible comprehension on Domain Knowledge on Education, Event and E-commerce Industry
  • Competent at AWS Automated Software Deployment
  • Motivated self-learner with excellent debugging skills and a strong ability to find best practices through research.


Guangzhou Software University

Bachelor of Engineering - Computer Software Engineering



JavaScript: ES 6, TypeScript, Functional Programming, Competitive Programming

Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3,Tailwind, Bootstrap,Antd, Vue.js, React.js, Redux,React Native

Node: Koa,NestJS

Other Languages (Experience from Undergraduate Study): PHP、JAVA

Cloud Technology: AWS, AliCould

Database: Redis,SQL, MySQL,Postgresql,DynamoDb,MongoDb

Version Control: Git

Testing Unit: Jest, Enzyme,Mocha

Dependency Management: NPM, Yarn,PNPM

Build Tools: Webpack,Gulp,CircleCI

Domain Knowledge: E-Commerce, E-Learning and Event Industry

Team Management: Jira, Confluence Documentation, Git, Zenhub



Jan 2024 – Present

Melbourne, Australia (Remote)

Full Stack Developer was built on the foundation of making hiring inclusive, efficient and effective. The core engine that drives is our AI Smart Interviewer.

As a Full Stack Developer at, I was responsible for the development and maintenance of the talenthub,live interview,core-li-orch,ph-worker repository using React, TypeScript, NestJs, and MongoDB. I collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of features and gathered requirements effectively.


  • Developed and designed various components, including the talentHub, live-interview chrome extension, and core, using React with Typescript, and NestJs.
  • Designed and implemented the database structure for efficient data management.
  • Developed GraphQL APIs with Unit Testing to ensure functionality and reliability.
  • Authored technical documentation, providing comprehensive insights, investigation, proof-of-concept demos, and database model designs to reduce development time and facilitate collaboration with teammates and Team Lead.
  • Designed and developed intuitive and user-friendly front-end pages with responsive and interactive UI components using Antd-UI and React Testing Library.
  • Gathered requirements effectively and implemented feature enhancements and bug fixes.
  • Actively participated in Agile development methodologies, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint demos, and retrospectives.

Technical Environment:

HTML, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, React.js, NestJs, MongoDB, AWS, Git, Jira, Jest, Chrome Extension


Nov 2022 – Jan 2024

Hongkong, China

Full Stack Developer

EventX is an event management platform localized for the Asian market. It is designed to help event organizers drive attendee engagement and increase conversions for successful events.

As a Full Stack Developer at EventX, I was responsible for the development and maintenance of the portal, internal portal, and core repository using React, TypeScript, Koa, and Postgres. I collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of features and gathered requirements effectively. Additionally, I provided on-site and bug support to ensure smooth event operations.


  • Developed and designed various components, including the portal, internal portal, and core, using React with TypeScript, Koa, and React-admin.
  • Created a check-in app using React Native to streamline on-site event check-in processes.
  • Developed serverless functions via FireBase to synchronize data from the old system to the new system.
  • Designed and implemented the database structure for efficient data management.
  • Developed RESTFUL APIs with Unit Testing to ensure functionality and reliability.
  • Authored technical documentation, providing comprehensive insights, investigation, proof-of-concept demos, and database model designs to reduce development time and facilitate collaboration with teammates and Team Lead.
  • Designed and developed intuitive and user-friendly front-end pages with responsive and interactive UI components using Material-UI.
  • Gathered requirements effectively and implemented feature enhancements and bug fixes.
  • Actively participated in Agile development methodologies, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint demos, and retrospectives.

Technical Environment:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Koa, Node, Postgres, Firebase, Metabase, AWS, Git, Jira, Trello, Jest, ReactNative, Swift, Android

Jungle Scout

Sep 2021 – Oct 2022

ShenZhen, China

Software Engineer

Jungle Scout is an American company providing SaaS-based tool for search and market analytics, inventory management and sales intelligence for companies selling on online marketplaces.

My role was to refactor the Chrome Extension, develop a CN Special Edition of Jungle Scout's products, and also collect and report on Amazon product data to ensure the validity of the data. My team keep up with an intensive one-week sprint routine, releasing the latest features to public every two weeks. To build specialized Chinese editions of the applications, we gather information from the UI/UX team, the product manager, and customers.


  • Chrome Extension
    • Add a new injection portal file and package it with webpack, unify the DOM that needs to be injected in contentScript, for example, embed an EmbedCard in an Amazon page, add a hoverball, etc., remove the old HTML files and JQUERY code
    • Task scheduling design development, according to the task configuration issued by the server to dynamically achieve the frequency of crawling tasks, and upload each crawling behavior to the server side
    • Introducing the Husky specification commit msg, and dynamic generation of Changelog
    • Sort out the extension packaging process and define the different deployment environments and actions in YAML to automate the release and save a lot of time
    • Write a script to listen to the version number of the Google Marketplace plugin, send it to slack in time to notify everyone and generate a download link to the OSS
    • Server-side interface development, which includes policy configuration, file upload and decompression, dispatching a specified number of tasks, and filtering out ineligible tasks
  • Web Applications
    • Adopted React & Redux as the Front-end Framework to build web applications
    • Used AWS to host the server, to run the CI/CD pipeline
    • Implemented a customized Data Visualization Module with a highly-scalable responsible design
    • Improved Chinese customer experience by localizing user interactions (UI layout menu, sidebar, navigation, settings, etc.). CN edition has become more independent from the Original Products and more unique.
  • Troubleshoot and resolved production outages
  • Delivered updated features on time and on track with my team. Code review is required for each pull request before merging to Main Branch and the ESLint is strictly applied
  • Prepared Technical Documents for major new Features and Collaborated with different departments for Marketing Campaign and Customer Engagement

Technical Environment:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, NestJS, Redis, Ruby, AWS, Git, Jira, ZenHub, Jest, Enzyme

Codemao Technology

Oct 2020 – Aug 2021

ShenZhen, China

Front-End Web Developer

I was hired as a front-end web developer in a team with twelve people to build a zero-to-one examination system (It contains four projects: candidate site, institution website, management site, and official site).


  • Set up the front-end infra including the basic configuration, different environments, routes layouts, customized themes, utils and switch languages.
  • Built Web Applications using ReactJs with Redux Toolkit as state management
  • Composed the basic components like Upload、Drawer、Modal、Advanced Filter etc.
  • Used Party Docking in Agora(AI Monitor, Face Recognition, Audio and video recording) and equipment testing development such as network environment, mic, camera.
  • Task splitting and time evaluation to make sure my teammates were able to complete the tasks
  • Followed Agile to commute and make sure everything is under control, strictly with daily scrum, two-week sprint and PI planning

Technical Environment:

HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Antd Design, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Redux Toolkit, Next.js


Oct 2017 – Nov 2020

ShenZhen, China

Front-End Web Developer

I was hired as a front-end Developer. my responsibilities are not only writing clean and functional code but also keep learning and doing projects across languages like React Native, Electron, Min-Program, VueJS.


  • Extract common module functions, encapsulate them into methods and components, output the related component usage documentation, and upload them to the npm private library for front-end developers to refer to and maintain together to improve development efficiency and reduce duplicate code.
  • Connect to the keycloak microservice authentication platform, and encapsulate interfaces such as token acquisition and http-related general requests, plus unified loading, error code alert, time zone and other configurations to improve the efficiency and experience of the development interface.
  • Built E-learning app using React Native
  • Develop Social Media of H5 pages using VueJS with VantUI
  • Used ES6, Functional Programming and Typescript features if possible
  • Designed all the pages with CSS class in this application to make them all responsive

Technical Environment:

HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, ElementUI, JavaScript, TypeScript, VueJS, Electron, React Native, Min-Program, Jest, Jenkins, Webpack